No true Witches today practice human sacrafice, torture, or any form of ritual murder.Anyone who does is not a Witch, but a psychopath.


It evolved into a 'religion' much like Christianity started with the teaching of the originator and gradually things were added to the liturgy, like Christmas. Buddhism gives you the philosophy, and then the culture adds to it because we like rituals and holidays. Those things address the social aspects of communities.

Stephen Asma

There are a lot of different types of people who each have their own rites and rituals. The show is actually quite a fusion of all of those different styles.

Vince Paul

What's going on here is a redefinition of Christmas as a time of family celebration rather than as a time of the community faithful celebrating the birth of the savior...There is a risk that we will lose one more of our Christian rituals, one that's at the heart of our faith.

Robert Johnston

The state guarantees the freedom of its citizens to practice their religion and also guarantees that they can conduct religious rituals.

Andi Mallarangeng

Liberation is an ever shifting horizon, a total ideology that can never fulfill its promises. It has the therapeutic quality of providing emotionally charged rituals of solidarity in hatred -- it is the amphetamine of its believers.

Arianna Stassinopoulos

The tide of mega-gatherings among African-American families is high and rising. The more threats that are posed to families by dislocation and other social issues, the stronger the effort to preserve certain rituals like reunions.

Stephen Criswell

Both the pre-Hispanic structure and the Holy Week rituals are part of our cultural legacy, so we have to look for a way to protect both cultural values.

Jesus Sanchez

Thai and Indian Brahmin priests will jointly conduct the rituals.

Preecha Kantiya

Rituals give kids a sense of security in a fast-moving, unpredictable world, as well as memories they will cherish a lifetime.

Betsy Taylor

We take 'em to dinner. Lots of rituals revolve around food, as you saw. When you're asked to dinner, it's not such a good thing.

Michael Imperioli

Obsessions are repetitive thoughts which resemble worry and are accompanied by anxiety. Compulsions are behavioral acts designed to eliminate the obsessions. And sometimes if your mind becomes so cluttered with obsessions, and your day so filled with compulsions, life as you know becomes completely taken over by anxiety and counterproductive rituals.

Abby Aronowitz