We're hoping the canned goods go to homeless people. And we're hoping the money we raise goes to cancer research at Children's Hospital in Birmingham.

Trent Taylor

The amount of money going toward research is going down. It doesn't have a high priority (in the United States). In Singapore it does.

Neal Copeland

The resolution of these issues ensures that this evidence of one of the most tragic events in American history will be protected for scholarly and research uses.

David Ogden

Our past research shows that adults are twice as likely to volunteer if they began participating when they were teens.

Diana Aviv

Compensation is a very difficult topic. It is more complex than it seems on the surface. Investors should understand what they are paying executives, but it takes some real research, not just looking at the headline number.

Glenn Christenson

We certainly asked that question, and research bore out that, in fact, when you are going to incarcerated, you can make a request through your attorney to be incarcerated in a particular place that's close to your home, your family and friends. Now, the court doesn't have to honor that, but it certainly is a real process. If we didn't have that, then we might not have this show.

Paul Scheuring

It's a very smart investment. By and large, customers want the ease of access and the ability to do research during the off-hours.

Dean Eberling

What we're able to give publishers is some really valuable market research. [We] were able to take all that information [gathered from agents] and drop it into trend buckets. One of the valuable services we offer publishers is the market feedback for a particular book. If we're doing a campaign for a hardcover it'll help us promote the paperback edition.

Michelle Hanson

Insurance companies have comparison charts for plans within their company. It's not as good as having the one web site, but it is another option for people who want to start researching. We continue to check the Medicare site every day.

Mary Simpson

We find no evidence from the epidemiological perspective or any investigations that humans get this disease. There is some very good, very compelling research out there that says it's very highly unlikely that humans can get this disease.

Terry Kreeger

Without the Express players we have now, there's no way we'd be where we are now, ... To me, your Triple-A and Double-A teams are your research and development. They're they guys who hopefully sustain your organization.

Tim Purpura

The Middle East now has in windfall profits the capability of becoming the research and development stimulator.

Daniel Kurtzer

Simply put, to end the AIDS epidemic in the United States, we need to mobilize efforts in all our communities to combat HIV/AIDS and to coordinate these initiatives with research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, national organizations and local community and church groups.

Anthony S. Fauci

If you steal from one author, it's plagiarism. If you steal from two, it's research.

John Burke

Why would they want to buy another PC -- it's a hassle. Having to download plug-ins, having to download content versus having content pushed to you. Our research shows that people want a guided experience on the Internet.

Rob Bartels

You would think that video will be as profitable as text. There's a lot more content, be it from an entertainment perspective or research perspective.

Gary Price

Provided that research advances to the point that we can demonstrate these cells' true therapeutic benefit, parents could conceivably choose to bank their child's amniotic epithelial cells in the event they may someday be needed, as is sometimes done now with umbilical cord blood.

Stephen Strom

Even though we had to absorb cost inflation of approximately $400 million in 2005 -- more than double the level expected heading into the year -- we stepped up our brand-building efforts, investing about $90 million in incremental marketing and research expenses.

Thomas Falk

I did so much research that I knew what I was getting into. I was trying to find specific musicians.

Bela Fleck

A great deal more basic research is needed before we can even begin to think about applying this to humans.

Claude Lenfant

You would think that since an electron carries a spin and a charge, that their motions would be equal. But, our research shows the contrary, due to a friction-like effect known as spin Coulomb drag.

Joe Orenstein

The importance of this research is that we will be concentrating on aspects that enhance both understanding and prediction of reef status in terms of the extent of bleached corals, coral mortality, evidence of recovery, evidence of algal overgrowth and biodiversity using AVIRIS data and field measurements.

Liane Guild

The more research we do, the more we find out. Men benefit from these findings, too, because, ultimately, everybody's health is improving by finding out what works better or the same or not at all.

Jo Parrish

These scientists are the bridges between research institutes and local governments, and their work helps millions of people shake off poverty.

Bai Chunli

If you research rates, everyone will be within about 1/8 of a percent. That doesn't mean you can't find something below, but if it sounds too good to be true, it almost guarantees it is.

Chuck Cross

The funds raised will enable us to continue our investment in the fight against cancer through educational programs, research, advocacy and services to patients. Due to the generosity of corporate and individual sponsors, the money raised goes directly to the American Cancer Society's lifesaving programs.

Linda Richey

We need a real jumpstart in propulsion and research. I think we have to go beyond chemical propulsion.

Steve Rodgers

We have seen research that shows only 14 percent of consumers complete email leads, yet we know there are a lot more car shoppers out there looking for a dealership. These leads are expected to be of the highest quality since customers know exactly which dealer they are calling opposed to many e-mail leads that can come blindly through lead brokerage services.

Rob Bollinger

We think we have a unique research design that hadn't been done before. The take-home message is these laws have impacts and they change kids' behavior.

Ted Joyce

Our aim is to take a visionary lead on research and innovation. We'll be looking to influence the development and deployment of new technologies designed to support the Government's energy policy.

Sir David King

If you feel guilty about having a chocolate, you feel bad about reaching for the chocolate when 20 people are in line behind you. Research showed there were people who were taking a chocolate bar and taking a newspaper and throwing it over it.

Jim Cali

You don't want to criminalize medical research, and that's a real danger with these bills if they go through.

Rick Colby

Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind.

Marston Bates

Research shows that when a low-income family moves into a new home, the kids' grades go up.

Carroll Klein

If your neighbor has a completely different view on abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, all of those things, you still are both Americans. Neither one of you is necessarily more patriotic than the other. Neither loves their country any more than the other one does.

Phil Mcgraw

CEOs of many corporations have begun to get the message that if the federal government continues to cut back on research funding, then this innovation is not going to happen any more, because these companies cannot afford to fund all the basic exploratory research that's needed at the front end.

Neal Lane

But now we are pursuing the concept of market-oriented innovation to make production and research mutually supportive.

Lou Qinjian

This matter is grave enough to shake the very foundations of scientific research.

Roe Jung Hye

Whether its American or British Airways ( BAB : Research , Estimates ), this puts everyone in the position to rethink their own strategy. Whether this causes another round of consolidation, I don't know.

Michael Zea

This is a very disappointing proposal because it ignores the area with the greatest biomedical potential _ stem-cell research.

Charles Carrier

That fact could have been ascertained with one phone call to our offices. If that accusation is representative of the quality of the research in this report, I think we can reasonably conclude it's not worth the paper it's written on and the union should ask for its money back.

Doug Bailey

Our research shows substantial evidence that regulation led to lower interest rates.

Keith Ernst

The Internet is the world at your fingertips, and no matter what they want to research, it's all as close as their fingertips.

Michael Kastner

There's great potential for growth for us in the Dayton area. That's especially so with AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory).

Murray Johnson

And as for me doing research here in Nigeria, no: that's not what I'm here for. But now that you've mentioned it, it sounds like a great idea. I'd absolutely love to do 'Black Panther' in Nigeria.

Wesley Snipes

I need more time than that to research my options. I'd like to serve in the Senate. I'll probably make a decision in May or June.

Don Samuelson

[Todd Campbell, president of Watchdog Research, an independent research firm, is one.] Never underestimate the mania of the market, ... It's absolutely possible.

Todd Campbell

Our research suggests that the pre-Boetzinger complex contains a fixed number of neurons that we lose as we age.

Jack Feldman

We always try to research the issue the constituent is writing about. Sometimes that leads to legislation.

Jennifer Hall

I call it the New Material Research Laboratory, which means just the opposite - that it is about old techniques.

Hiroshi Sugimoto

(Villalpando) is a judge. Shouldn't he research what he says before he makes these kinds of comments?

John Cantrell

New drugs and surgical techniques offer promise in the fight against cancer, Alzheimer's, tuberculosis, AIDS, and a host of other life-threatening diseases. Animal research has been, and continues to be, fundamental to advancements in medicine.

Daniel Akaka

That's been an area of a lot of research, ... promising technologies.

Jesse Goodman

We are looking into how many human eggs were used in his research, but so far we have found that the number of eggs exceeds the ones presented in the Science paper.

Roe Jung Hye

What I like about the new framework is that it's based on research and best practices, ... The state has set a criteria, but it's not telling schools how to get there.

Brian Pearson

The advantage of a mutual fund for small-cap investing is they can do the research an individual might not be able to do and get into a company before the broader market picks up on it.

Peter Diteresa

Whether the children are just relocating to the area or like our newest enrollees who have lost everything, choosing to get involved is important. Research shows involvement is one of the keys to being a successful student.

Mike Harper

Our research suggests that consumers, for all the publicity concerning carbohydrates and health, are still confused about weight management and how to include carbohydrates in a healthful diet. Fads and quick fixes, though attractive, are not effective tools for getting to a healthful diet.

Susan T. Borra

We don't ask research to do what it was never meant to do, and that is to get an idea.

William Bernbach

Ford has the right blend of expertise necessary to lead this research. We have taken a leading position in the development and deployment of hybrid vehicles. We also have put more than 1.5 million flex-fuel vehicles on America?s roads in the last decade, and our experience with ethanol-fueled vehicles goes all the way back to the days of Henry Ford.

Nancy Gioia

We're looking to do all kinds of interesting research. We want to be different from other polls. . . . We're not just going after horse-race issues. We want to talk about concerns people face day-to-day.

Patrick Murray

There hasn't been much research into marriage and relationships.

Karl Lenz

Our computer basics and Web basics series continue to be most popular, but we've also had good attendance at some of our more subject-oriented classes, everything from finding health information to conducting genealogical research.

Lisa Norberg

In technology, I think I would go with the big ones. I'd go with IBM ( IBM : Research , Estimates ). That would be my first pick in the technology area.

Ralph Acampora

Of all the money raised, 90 cents of every dollar goes to research. That's a standard for all of our fund-raising.

Suzanne Zak

This study proves the principle that prevention is a legitimate kind of approach to treating breast cancer, and justifies the continuing research to find [preventive] drugs with less side effects and better risk reduction.

Bernard Fisher

You weren't the first to say this, Dr. Weems. Many people had said this long before you started your research.

Keith Beauchamp

It will be the pre-eminent applied research laboratory for Internet technologies. This is a very exciting opportunity for researchers and technologists to have an immediate impact on the next evolution of Microsoft's Internet products and services...

Gary Flake

We actually went through a pretty extensive amount of research that was directed at a variety of vendors and invited people to submit proposals.

John Hoover

We own a lot of content companies, companies like Walt Disney ( DIS : Research , Estimates ).

Peter Doyle

I would advise an incoming gay professor to stay closeted depending on the department they work in, for some are more liberal and accepting than others, ... Prior to becoming tenured, they may be judged on their sexual preference instead of their expertise, intelligence and research.

Mary Porter

We hope that Western will become known as the centre to go to for aboriginal policy research. Other universities have diverse strengths, but we feel confident that we are leaders in research that directly improves policies to benefit Aboriginal peoples.

Jerry White

The evidence is unclear. There's research on both sides.

Bill Modzeleski

I can say Bruce Tipton has done a tremendous job of researching facilities in his travels around the nation.

Gary Hatch

There's an unlimited number of people in the world who can't get to this information, even people whose tax money paid for the research in the first place, ... There are ways to make this information more valuable, all made possible because of the Internet.

Michael Eisen

We feel our ongoing forecast research will allow us to continue to improve our predictive skill.

William Gray

As is my wont, I did my research. I listened to all the recordings and I read everything about Bob I could find.

Twyla Tharp

The more alcohol advertising kids are exposed to, the more likely they are to drink, and drink heavily. We have stronger and stronger research showing there is a link to advertising.

David Jernigan

Microsoft continues to be open to working with partners and competitors, alike, to jointly commission research that helps all our customers engage in an informed and respectful debate on the facts.

Martin Taylor

If you know what's happening in the research labs, it isn't all that great a trick to predict what's coming.

Ben Bova

At that time we could not use the federal government's marijuana to show that it might be beneficial because NIDA has a mandate from Congress that they could only supply marijuana for research to show that it might be dangerous. Subsequently NIDA has changed their mechanism so we can look for benefit.

Donald Abrams

Soft dollars have potential benefits and downsides for investors. The commission has been working to limit the downsides while preserving the benefits, one of them being research.

John Nester

It is a key component of the international effort to co-operate in research rather than compete.

Ian Wilmut

Whether it is through the research or just making people aware (of the risks of cancer), it will be important.

Jan Ulmer

We're not necessarily changing the name of the hospital. What we are doing is significant. We will be moving forward with doing quantitative and qualitative research. A consultant will interview physicians, board members, employees and community opinion leaders. She will get a feel about what the community thinks about BCH and what they believe its image to be.

Diana Baltimore

Only a properly funded US stem cell research program will guarantee oversight and the protection of all involved.

Glenn Mcgee

That's a tough issue. It is a real concern for those of us in the research community. On the other hand, you have the reality of people in need.

Mary Comerio

Enough research will tend to support your conclusions.

Arthur Bloch

Research shows these measures can reduce accidents and fatalities. That's why legislators around the country are thinking about this.

Melissa Savage

We regard the recent announcement by Iran of its intention to resume research and development activities with concern. We would encourage Iran to abstain from unilateral steps.

Martin Jaeger

There will be lots of our research that doesn't end up in our product groups.

David Harnett

It is critical that future research test whether faulty measurement may have contributed to their findings. Also, it is well to remember that the types of research usually used to find links between lifestyle factors (e.g. diet, exercise, medication use, in addition to alcohol use) and disease later in life have a high potential for error and on their own cannot prove causation.

Tim Stockwell

The MRSEC grant is outstanding news for Yale science and engineering, ... It really puts us at the forefront of an important and hot new area of research.

Andrew Hamilton

The newest research from the AHA says to increase the amount of nuts in your diet.

Vera Watson

It's so rare, so that's why research gets so little funding. But for young people, and anyone with it, it robs them out of huge bits of their lives.

Donna White

It's a huge natural experiment. We're going to have a research agenda for a lifetime.

Stephen Soumerai

I loved Sherlock Holmes when I was younger. So you can imagine how excited I was to discover that Conan Doyle had helped found Portsmouth football club. When I was playing there I did some research into it. Very interesting. Did you know Dickens was born in Portsmouth?

Alexei Smertin

Avant-garde music is sort of research music. You're glad someone's done it but you don't necessarily want to listen to it.

Brian Eno

We're extremely honored to be recognized by J.D. Power and Associates' Certified New-Home Builder Program for a second year in a row. J.D. Power and Associates is recognized as one of the leading research firms in the U.S. So, it is truly an honor to have them recognize our Myrtle Beach Division among the best providers of customer service in the nation.

Mike Wyatt

[For one thing, the man of the hour is a cartoon.] We tend to work very closely with our clients, ... People say one thing -- like, 'Oh, I always go over here when I'm doing this task' -- and then they do exactly the opposite thing. So for our projects, we do a lot of observational research. We even take them out on the research with us.

Fred Dust

Before you fax your statements you can block out any information you wish. I only need the dollar figures. It's that simple. Once I complete my research I provide a free report detailing exactly how much money is being wasted each month because of high fees.

Chris Enders

We know through our market research that women want to be in an environment that's residential vs. institutional. So they want a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

Melissa Sisson

The terms of the settlement ... align the interests of research analysts with those of investors, without precluding additional rulemaking if needed.

Annette Nazareth

Ninety-nine percent of the work in stem cells does not involve cloning. This episode will have little impact on pace of research in the field as a whole.

Peter Andrews

It can stimulate insulin, which makes babies grow. Research in the late '80s showed that premature babies given a massage three times a day grew 47% more than those that were not.

Jill Vyse

There's a lot of frustration that goes on with this kind of research.

Judith Kilpatrick

Six years is really ambitious. That's really going to take some ramping up of research and funding.

Mark Edelman

We started the push by presenting to partners the importance of people being at the center of how Microsoft delivers value in research and development and for customers.

Allison Watson

Scripps serves as a prime example that it should not be assumed that when a biotech institute expands, they are planning on duplicating the research they are currently conducting at existing facilities.

Russell Schweiss

If you look at the targets that need to be achieved under the UNFCCC, then you will need breakthrough technologies by 2050. And you don't get these without putting money into research and collaboration projects. They do not develop on their own.

Christian Egenhofer

It's just nice that someone thought our research would be interesting to someone else. And I suppose that's a pat on the back.

Craig Williams

All of that (research) was academic. Carnival is all about personal perception. So you get here and you almost have to unlearn it.

Alex Kahn

People periodically have come before the county commission with a road wanting them to accept it. Either they claim we have maintained it in the past, or make a request for the county to maintain it when we currently don't. The commission listens to the request and then asks me to do research.

Neal Hall

Except for one thing, I no longer do benefits for research, I do benefits to make sure the people who are infected are taken care of are treated, and fed and housed, and their lives made a little easier.

Bea Arthur

This is a real problem only if you are working in a high-tech field or biotech or anywhere where there is highly-competitive software development or research and analysis going on.

Pam Dixon

Obviously, coach Willard has a great pedigree. He's done a very nice job. He's been involved with some different head coaching opportunities. He's someone I will definitely, definitely look at. But he's just one of several that I look forward to researching and visiting with.

Allen Ward

The court decision is another important victory for medical innovators who invest in high-risk research to develop life saving medicines, as well as for the patients who benefit from those medicines.

Jeffrey Kindler

Direct sales force and the focus of our research and development investments.

Anne M. Mulcahy

It's funny - writing the afterword required a lot of digging and research, and was ultimately harder than editing the actual novel.

David Thomson

We have two approaches in our research - the empirical model and the mechanistic model. The empirical model generates life prediction from accelerated degradation test data, while the mechanistic model relates life prediction to changes in battery materials. Our approach provides an independent measure of battery life so we don't have to rely on what battery manufacturers tell us.

Dan Doughty

Market research tells us... that this can be the most important service that a corporate bank can provide to its customers.

Russell Graham

Roe was written for doctors. It would have been more helpful if he tried to research law to do Roe rather than medicine.

Scott Powe

I do promise that we will give a full accounting to our readers of what we have found to date. Anything that further research reveals will be disclosed in a timely manner.

Matthew Storin

I believe that if we really do pour our resources into these alternatives, ... we might find a morally unproblematic and uncontroversial way to get this research done.

Leon Kass

There is not much research on this issue, so we?re hopeful about the results.

Max Kurz

I think there will be closer connections to some of the research institutions in this state.

Tom Still

If we moderate prices, it's not the research and development budgets that would be the first to go down. The profit margins, which are three to four times the profit margins of other Fortune 500 companies, they might go down somewhat -- not research and development.

Ron Pollack

Maybe the compiler can take care of that in the future. IBM Research is looking into that and they have really interesting ideas on how to optimize that.

Utz Bacher

The president's visit sends a powerful message to the lab that its work on these technologies is a very important component of the administration's energy research and development policy.

Bob Noun

We help them with on-farm research, which helps them with variety selection.

Phillip Needham

Children and seniors can both benefit from brainteasers because research has shown that when looking at the brain through an MRI or a CAT scan, brainteasers actually cause the neurons to fire faster, therefore increasing brain activity.

Dale Robinson

The men's captors worked very hard to conceal every aspect of detention but our research assessing information about climate, prayer schedules and flight times suggests that these men may have been held in Eastern Europe or Central Asia.

Dr. William F. Schulz

My vision is the long vision, long-term vision for Raleigh, just like the people who laid this city out, just like the people who laid out the Research Triangle Park. Big vision.

Greg Poole

We are very excited by this research and we believe that this therapeutic T cell vaccination approach holds great promise for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

David Mcwilliams

I've got research, I have my own life experience I can apply, and I have my imagination.

Chris Cooper

Even though there are many women with breast cancer participating in online support groups, this is among the first research studies to demonstrate measurable benefits from participation in such groups.

Bret Shaw

They're going to have research-based principles, model programs to learn from. They're going to learn from one another. The Escondido district is going to be part of the larger PROMISE family.

Donna Heath

That way we could research this more, maybe get more information, become more educated and try harder to let them know that they?re not welcome here.

Michelle Dunn

What consumers want is a physical presence, and typically it's just to deposit their checks. What we have found in our own research is that consumers like online banking, but they just don't like mailing checks.

Scott Appleby

I am hopeful that the scientific research done at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research can make significant contributions to advancing human learning and communication within the next 20 years.

Patrick Mcgovern

I think it's very important to him. He wants to experience space and weightlessness. But being able to come back to research, and have some data...that will be very fulfilling for him.

Stacey Tearne

This is a very exciting time for skin care. The product research is very impressive.

Paula Begoun

It just upset me because I did all that research, you know, try to make sure they're legitimate company and everything and it still went through as a fraud.

Christopher Russell

In general, an individual's likelihood of having health insurance coverage increases with income, ... The research reported here suggests that the uninsured population is more likely to be characterized by low income than previous estimates would have us believe.

Dallas Salisbury

Like a lot of research tends to overlook children in some areas.

Aaron Baker

I'm always excited about great regional products and have been researching, discovering and cooking with regional products since we opened in 1983.

Janos Wilder

Leukemia is the number one killer of our children in the U.S. so to be able to raise money for research to find a cure is truly wonderful. Plus, it is just an awesome group of folks.

Cindy Morris

A deeply flawed piece of research.

John Punches

The research is clear that raising speed limits costs lives. People need to weigh the benefits of getting places faster versus the fact that more people will die in crashes.

Russ Rader

We're quite excited about all of these terrific young people, ... It also positions us very competitively for continued growth and as one of the country's powerhouses in biomedical research.

Arthur Levine

[Though publicly backing the EPO test, Wada is also funding research to develop a more clear-cut method of detection.] This is not like a pregnancy test, where you are either pregnant or you're not, ... It has to be prepared carefully and interpreted by an expert, who can mostly call it, I believe. But it is definitely skill-based, and that is why Wada is looking for a more clear-cut test.

Nicolle Packer

This is the single greatest expansion in research and development since Amgen was founded in 1980. What's driving this is our robust pipeline.

Carol Pawlak

I feel very comfortable going to a place like that where they're not afraid to look at things in an interdisciplinary way or communicate between departments to share research on the same idea.

Joseph Simmons

To be the best automotive research and decision-making site, Autoweb.com needs to offer consumers the best database and tools. We believe AIC has both.

Dean Debiase

For all sponsors, the challenge is patience. Biomedical research is an inherently high risk and lengthy process.

Hamilton Moses

One issue is convincing the public that there are entities out there other than the media that really need access to documents, such as people doing substantive research on government.

Linda Lightfoot

This is our first big potential project. To me, this is proof we can attract the people we're trying to get into this research park.

John Metzner

To win public support and government funding, advocates for human cloning and ESC (embryonic stem cell) research have long made hyped claims and exaggerated promises to legislators and the public.

Richard Doerflinger

Most people in both markets had heard about 3G purely through word of mouth or personal research, which would tend to lead to the conclusion that there's a marketing issue behind the reactions we saw in the survey.

Alexander Mcnabb

Our research found that students who owned an alcohol-branded item were significantly more likely to have initiated alcohol use than students who did not own one. We recommend that parents discourage their children from wearing these products and that schools limit the display of alcohol-branded items among students.

Auden Mcclure

We simply explain that unique freezing processes probably happened in that region only a handful of times during the last 12,000 years. We leave to others the question of whether or not our research explains the biblical account.

Doron Nof

There might be a civil rights violation. But that's in the preliminary stage of research.

Nicholas Carbone

Through our interviews and research we found that the tiger, in Korean culture, is associated with bravery and power.

Thomas Walker

This extraordinary act demonstrated outstanding dedication and commitment to his research, ... produced one of the most radical and important changes in the last 50 years in the perception of a medical condition.

Robert May

Stem cell research has the potential to aid 128 million Americans.

Ajar Kochar

Both agencies will leverage their expertise and synergize activities involving agricultural- and energy-related plants and microbes. We will enhance coordination of proposed sequencing projects through the Biological and Environmental Research Microbial Sequencing Program or the Joint Genome Institute's Community Sequencing Program.

Ari Patrinos

It limits us from being able to sit down and focus on writing a song. It also affects us because we learn a lot from seeing other bands. It's almost like a great deal of research before we write the new material.

Tim Lambesis

This is the kind of research and development we need to be seeking and exploring. Countries like China and India know exactly what they?re going to do 10 years from now. They?re going to take things from us. The challenge for us is to figure out what we?re going to do it 10 years from now that no one else has a clue about.

Mike Beebe

There is an urgent need for bold reforms to transform Singapore into an R&D-driven, innovative, knowledge-based enterprise economy, where we compete on knowledge and talent, in addition to efficiency and cost-effectiveness, ... Singapore needs to refocus its research and innovation agenda.

Tony Tan

This innovative research program could lead to breakthroughs to significantly reduce our nation's dependence on imported oil while also helping to address global climate change.

Anne Stevens

We have a game plan. We have an anticipation based on all our research, all our conversations with the teams of how the game may be played out and we develop our game plan and strategy based on that.

Craig Silver

Our research has found nothing to indicate that family farmers whose milk is marketed under the Horizon label aren't every bit as dedicated and ethical as farmers associated with other competing brands.

Mark Kastel

It has been discovered that one of our scientists has fabricated data for use in scientific research. The results ... are based on false facts. This is very serious.

Stein Vaaler

UCSD is the sixth-highest university in terms of federally funded research.

Sandy K. Baruah

The Sallie Mae Fund is committed to equalizing educational opportunities for communities with the highest need. Our research shows that educational aspirations in the Latino community are very high -- this program connects high aspirations with funding to help secure a quality education.

Kathleen Delaski

It's astonishing how (the grant program) has changed the landscape of exploratory research for geothermal development.

Marshall Ralph

Before we could take any action, we had to discuss it as a club and do some research. Once we did that, we wrote the letter. And we have heard nothing back from the congressman since.

John Kostopolous

Everyone can advance their own field, but through synergy, the research accelerates and collectively we can create something that no single group could ever do.

Robert Full

We've staked out as our business model to operate in those areas of the IT industry where research can make a difference, which is pretty nice for the research team.

Paul Horn

It's a perfect example of why we need to fund basic scientific research.

Norman Wagner

Do your research first, and get to know what that particular sport will do for you.

Bridgett Marx

During the 1930s, the German medical establishment was admired as a world leader in innovative public health and medical research.

Alan Wells

I don't believe we should be destroying a member of the species for simply research purposes.

David Prentice

These people are using us as their primary connection to the Internet. Whether they are looking for job postings, checking web sites, researching facts or genealogy, they are using the library.

Beth Hansen

It's yet to be determined how Roberts will deal with important decisions. I don't know his position on issues like stem-cell research, abortion or affirmative action. These are things that someone may attempt to bring to the Supreme Court.

James Payne

This is becoming a real problem. There's competition to keep costs down and prices low. That comes at the expense of doing due diligence, market research, and having focus groups test products.

Chris Barnes

We hope the recovery plan will be much more action-oriented than research-oriented. Research is fine but we think they've mistaken research for action.

Kathy Fletcher

Most entrepreneurs skip market research because they're action-oriented.

Tom O'connell

I started work for Geophysical Research Corp. in Andrews. Her mother and father were running the (McClung) hotel where we stayed.

Norris Turk

Are we trying to investigate and research to see how much adult involvement there is? Yes, as we have time. We've basically been [in] crisis management [mode] this week.

Deb Baker

I went online and did some research to find a less expensive way to get what I wanted.

Gina Hern

The Gap ( GPS : Research , Estimates ) is a very interesting one. A lot of apparel manufacturers have a problem selling to independent retailers, a real channel conflict. The Gap has an exclusive brand that they sell through a proprietary distribution channel. They can really focus the Internet on that - on that exclusive chain.

David Dwyer

We would love to see Scripps come to the site. I think that it is going to do wonderful things for us in this area. We will complement Scripps. We anticipate doing research and education to benefit all people in the area.

Ann Wood

Through calculations of eco-efficiency, our grasp of the relationship between cost and environmental value can be sharpened. The research in this issue represents a major advance in this important tool.

Gus Speth

Ford has not asked for, and is not interested in, a government bailout. There are many partnerships we can undertake with the government -- from alternative energy research to worker re-training to enforcing our trade laws -- but a bailout is not one of them.

Dan Brouillette

There's nothing I know of in the research world that (says) size itself matters. There's lots of small, awful districts in this country.

Gary Orfield

The research shows that electronic transactions are actually a much safer method of payment than paper transactions.

Bruce Cundiff

One of the things that we see constantly with university folks is that they have grants, they get funding to do research, a research program lasts maybe two to five years and then they need to go and use that space for something else.

Jeff Murray

Killing human embryos for research is wrong in every instance, ... The president is leading our country deeper into the moral morass.

Ken Connor

Basic research has shown that in the arteries in the heart, that inflammatory processes that are reflected by higher levels of CRP may play a role in the development of hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis.

Charles Hennekens