The heart loves, but moods have no loyalty. Moods should be heard but never danced to.

Hugh Prather

Truth is one forever absolute, but opinion is truth filtered through the moods, the blood, the disposition of the spectator.

Wendell Phillips

A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.

Stanley Kubrick

Martin was Martin. We all have moods, ups and downs, but he is still Martin.

Gina Jones

It is a rare American who does not have some story about how music has made our lives richer and more interesting, how it has changed our moods, brought out the best in our character and even sometimes helped us earn a living.

Lamar Alexander

We rely on relationships with music to help change moods.

Cheryl Dileo

Meanings, moods, the whole scale of our inner experience finds in nature the ''correspondence'' through which we may know our boundless selves.

Kathleen Raine