We call it P. E. S. T. — Physical Education Spanish Time.

Susan Parker

I don't know about y'all, but I am seriously doubting my public school education.

Kirk Watson

This is a great day in Merced and a great day in higher education.

Charles Ogletree

Education comes first before protesting.

David Lujan

Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education.

William Bowen

The classroom is very, very important. Our foundation is education.

Susan Melnikow

The group was formed to provide fellowship, fun and education.

Susan Gibson

If we're going to have access to higher education in the state, there will have to be more branches of already existing campuses or new campuses.

Grant Thrall

Sadly there is a small group of parents who do not respect education.

Steve Sinnott

It's enough already. For me, personally, education is the most important issue.

Chris Ferguson

This effort will be an important addition ? to encourage the education of fund directors.

Arthur Levitt

They go into debt to get an education -- and you're already in debt just living.

Patricia Houston

We want to protect their education from being interrupted because of those moves.

Steve Weil

It's served at least as a little bit of an education for the elected officials.

Aidan White

A ballot statement is supposed to be about your education and qualifications. It's not supposed to be a hit piece.

Larry Stone

Would anyone ever say that we wouldn't want to fund education until every kid got an A? It doesn't make any sense.

Philip Shucet

I can't not speak out against what is a raid on education funds.

Paul Hubbert

Americans are a decade behind Canada when it comes to sex education and understanding their bodies.

Sue Johanson

The place of residency seems to determine more likely the place of practice than the place of medical education.

Sheila Mcdevitt

They didn't realize until 1954's Brown v. Board of Education ruling that he had changed.

Stephen Black

It's a good Cape Coral-centered event. Education doesn't always have to be tedious and painful.

Michael Orchin

You see it in education a lot. If you do your homework, you get to pick out something from the class treasure chest.

Dace Svikis

I couldn't wait to get in. I absolutely couldn't wait. It's going to be a new era in education.

Dexter Jackson

We want to get them excited about college, their education, their future.

Hannah Fessler

I'm not just a politician, ... I'm a guy who has a real deep, substantive, commitment to education.

Roy Romer

Two things reduce prejudice: education and laughter.

Dr. Laurence J. Peter

We'll do this a lot more often. It takes both enforcement and education to sever the lines.

David Mcallister

Every child deserves a quality education. And we believe that the key ingredient is to place qualified teachers into every classroom.

Tom Carroll

The sharing of ideas has probably benefited me more than anyone else. I'm the one who has the different education.

John Cameron

This is like the ideal liberal arts education.

Victoria Brinton

I think right now it's an education process, ... We want to continue the benefits we have.

Donald Harris

Girls' education is the single best investment that any society can make.

Carol Bellamy

Those who received awards are proof that the faculty is doing it's job in education.

Dr. Noelia Vela

But it appears if the federal government had their way, they would not educate the masses, only those who can afford an education.

George Knox

It's against a system that funds education the way we are funding it now. This really is for boys and girls.

Steve Brace

Music education in the public schools is where it all begins.

Tammy Genovese

Native ability without education is like a tree without fruit.


Our goal is to get more efficiency into the dollars that are being spend on education.

Tim Mooney

The worst education which teaches self-denial, is better than the best which teaches everything else, and not that.

John Sterling

It is our job each day to give the students of Akron our assistance in obtaining the best education possible.

Karen Dinkins

Public education needed a wake up call and this was it.

Dr. Theron Schutte

I'm getting some education here and good coaching. I'm around some good athletes.

Andre Hall

It's been a great education. These effects aren't going to go away.

Duncan Clark

You speak of beginning the education of your son. The moment he was able to form an idea his education was already begun. . . .

Anna Letitia Barbauld

Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions.

Phyllis Schlafly

The speaker does support many aspects of education reform.

Chris Cutrone

One student was arrested and 12 others are in alternative education campuses.

Phillip Cortez

It's a shame he thought that was the only way he could get an education. There are just all kinds of things that could have been available.

Anne Johnson

How could it come down to that? Kids have to get their education. They have to go to school.

Sharon Brown

Education, when you do it right, is a very, very hard thing to do.

Pat Byrnes

If you want to try to get your child a Catholic education and you're a member of our parish, it's become extremely difficult.

Rob Richardson

He has been given respite (with the win) but of course the really difficult case is yet to come with the education bill.

Anthony King

Perfection is a road, not a destination. Every time I live, I get an education.

Burk Hudson

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.

H. G. Wells

Just the latest in a series of troubling decisions by the Board of Education.

Kathleen Sebelius

Vouchers are a flawed and divisive approach that undermines public education.

Greg Weaver

We definitely need more capacity for the education of nursing students.

Mary Becker

It's a lot like a church, ... Everyone really takes ownership for the children's education.

Michael Spears

My parents believed in education and we were happy we had a place to go to school.

Roxie Satterwhite

Driver education has not been addressed since the '50s. The main reason teens were crashing was not being addressed, so that is what we're doing.

Mark Horowitz

Wins and losses only carry you so far. But education will carry you longer.

Paul Kostin

People get empowered by the education.

Lynette Willie

I have a gut feeling we are slowly, inch by inch, destroying quality education for all students.

Al Williams

Education is a key to preventing crime.

James Orr

We need a lot by way of education because what we don't know and understand creates fear.

Charles Kimball

In a lot of cases what has been happening has been around public education.

Leona Peters

The focus of the event is education and fun.

Scott Roemhildt

What I would do is bring that money home and invest it in education.

Sam Farr

I don't want people to think we're picking on the Board of Education.

Kurt Miller

We have not behaved well as a board of education. It is a disgrace and a shame. We need to rectify the situation.

Carol Lewis

This law creates an unfair barrier to education and singles out working-class Americans.

Adam Wolf

Education is what most receive, many pass on, and few possess.

Karl Kraus

They wanted a better education, better weather and what could be better than Palm Springs.

Angie Patrick

This is a major new initiative of the president. It is a major initiative of the Department of Education.

Tom Luce

Math and science and special education, those are the areas that are very difficult to fill.

Cynthia Mcnally

The move means that tea culture has set foot in China's higher education.

Song Shaoxiang

Most education only focuses on the negative aspects of sex. That is almost criminal.

Dennis Martell

This award is a victory for poor women; it's a victory for all women, ... End oppression with education.

Mukhtar Mai

They never made much money, but, to them, our Catholic education was important.

Rosa Sanchez

The Somali children were not getting an effective education.

Jean Caldwell

Education is the fundamental way to prevent incarceration.

Bonita Parker

I have met people who you would expect to be brilliant and they have a blind spot for this puzzle. And I have met people without as much education who do very well with it.

Wayne Gould

It's a one-stop shop. We have nutrition counseling, childbirth education, parenting classes. WIC comes here.

Connie Krisman

In most of these programs, ... education is completely subordinate to the demands of the sport.

Derek Bok

They value education, they are kind, giving people who would do anything for anybody.

Linda Gentile

Interest is one of the strongest motivating factors in a child's education.

Charles Howell

The Brits was an amazing place to get a broad musical education. But I never really thought I was going to be a singer because there was always someone better than me in my class.

Katie Melua

Technology has become the plumbing of education, ... You expect it to work.

Jim Mccormick

Education: the inculcation of the incomprehensible into the indifferent by the incompetent.

John Maynard Keynes

He did not suffer from a poor education; he suffered from the belief that he had a poor education.

George Wildman Ball

She said they were looking for outside the box methods for education, and that's what my program is.

Carlos Malcolm

The material from the competition will be available to the associations for use in coach education and other technical work.

Andy Roxburgh

It's a lack of education.

Steve Pasierb

It's a wonderful education area.

Alan Lambert

We want to get what is in the best interest of North Carolina and for education.

Pam Walker

The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things.


No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nature and education.


The education of a man is never completed until he dies.

Robert E. Lee

. . . because learning begins when consciousness erupts, education must also.

Friedrich Froebel

It's misleading to suppose there is any basic difference between education and entertainment.

Marshall McLuhan

Nursing education is very people-intensive. You can't just put one more chair in the classroom.

Carolyn Williams

I'm getting a full-time education here.

Bill Rancic

What Makes Racial Diversity Work in Higher Education.

American Council

This program is critical to improving education globally.

R. Marcelo Claure

Get as much education as you can.

Robert Weissbourd

Education in this country is about how to maintain the status quo and to perpetuate racism.

Jane Elliot

Isn't it ironic that an education group would engage in censorship?

Brian Schubert

[RFID] is about research, development, education and developing new markets.

Sal Iannuzzi

It shows education is important to them.

John Pinzl

When a government has to cut back on spending, where does it cut back? Inevitably on health care and education.

Peter Walker

Shares my commitment to improving every Marylander's access to a college education.

Robert Ehrlich

We could potentially deliberately deny students education, and I find that very, very troubling.

Sue Gamble

This would be a win-win situation for the (Coahoma County) Board of Education, the City of Clarksdale, Coahoma County and the (Clarksdale-Coahoma County) Joint Airport Board.

Tom Ross

This might be one way to have the business community interact with the education community.

Walt Blomberg

Due to the uncertainties, and the [new] special education [charges], we decided not to.

Lester Young

Basically we were running our own education system and were doing better than we're doing now.

Joe Dennis

As far as education about it goes, it's probably something that should be discussed in universities and high schools across the country.

Becky Lofstead

You can tailor the education to the aptitude and gifting of the child.

John Bauer

A good education is another name for happiness.

Ann Plato

They (the Chinese) clearly grasp that education, creativity and innovation is where their future lies.

Tom Watkins

Prejudice is not so much dependent upon natural antipathy as upon education.

David Ruggles

It's important to work, but it is not OK when work takes away from education.

Brian Berger

Public education is an investment in our future.

Matt Blunt

They don't get to self-disclose too much. Its more of marriage education.

Joyce Kirkendall

This isn't how education is supposed to be funded.

Joy Smolnisky

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

George Washington Carver

That process in itself was an education for me.

Mark Messier

There is no evidence I'm aware of that shows the education of aboriginal children is more successfully accomplished in band-operated schools anywhere in Canada.

Peter Cowley

I love being able to contribute to medical education and science.

Betty White

EDUCATION, n. That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.

Ambrose Bierce

It's about the students getting the education we need.

Lindsay Corbo

Education in Escambia County would not have been the same without her.

Mary Anderson

Where education is moving today is differentiated instruction for all students.

Matt Hausmann

He's lived up to his promise to put education on the front burner.

Jerry Winters

In their culture, they were told education is your mother and ... their father. They had this amazing devotion to education.

Trudy Cunningham

My slogan is to end oppression through education.

Mukhtar Mai

They (the Irish) do a good job of funding their education.

John Velasco

The gap in education in this country, the unfairness of the schools, is one of the great unfairness in this society.

Gaston Caperton

Our goal from the beginning has been to blur the line between education and entertainment, ... why not have one with our goal of education?

Will Pearson

Anything they do to advocate the education of farmers on the use of risk management choices is good.

Joe Victor

I've been so tied to education and (have so) dedicated myself to it for 43 years that I want to get out and enjoy it now.

Gaylen Freeman

The challenges in higher education come to us, we don't have to look for them.

Mary Lyons

Education isn't part of my agenda, it is my agenda.

Kenny Guinn

It's dead for this year, It's a long way from getting rid of the Department of Education.

Michael Castle

Through the 'essential2' public education campaign.

Dr. Robert Wood

It is my belief that if you have children and you serve overseas, that if you should die, your children should get a free education.

Chris Cagle

A child's education should begin at least one hundred years before he is born.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Kids in China and India are getting a better education.

Tim Mooney

If it wasn't for distance education right now, we'd be in big trouble.

Robert Sandel

A large part of scouting is about outdoor education.

Marcal Young

We've had inquires about adult education and prep courses.

Michael Gross

It seems in China that the level of education and awareness about spam isn't there yet.

Nick Nicholas

Museums are becoming entertainment. Good ones mix entertainment with education.

Nicola Lisus

The cost of higher education is a concern everywhere and of course books are a big piece of that.

Yvonne Hubbard

You've got to find them and you've got to drag them in, then you've got to sell them on education.

Carey Jenkins

Education is extremely important to us.

David Lucas

You mustn't forget the circumstances I have been brought up in, the little education I have had.

Isaac Rosenberg

To be successful in life what you need is education, not literacy and degrees.

Munshi Premchand

If money, education, and honesty will not bring to me as much privilege, as much equality as they bring to any American citizen, then they are to me a curse, and not a blessing.

John Hope Franklin

It really opened my eyes, ... I know education is really important, and I have to do something about it.

Richard Garcia

I certainly hope that they're going to put that money into funding education.

Superintendent Judith Pastel

This is something that should not be on places of education.

Jorge Torres

Vouchers do not fit into the equation of public education.

Bill Weaver

There is an enormous economic and financial challenge facing us as we try to provide that education.

William Maestri

This is in some ways the dark ages of federal support of education.

Mark Kantrowitz

Public education has a duty to educate all our kids. If we don't educate all the kids that come into this nation, this country will go down quickly.

Juan Verdugo

You may be a redneck if . . . you have spent more on your pickup truck than on your education.

Jeff Foxworthy

A good education is usually harmful to a dancer. A good calf is better than a good head.

Agnes De Mille

If you consider what are called the virtues in mankind, you will find their growth is assisted by education and cultivation.


Ultimately, the education of children is the state's responsibility.

Bill Weaver

It's an education lottery, and that money needs to go to education.

Jimmy Garris

I think it's silly to make new borders now. Education and health care is much better there.

Ksenja Milosev

A major advance in public education.

John Calvert

Let these people get their education. Don't criminalize them. They pay taxes, and they contribute billions to the economy.

Hector Flores

A one-room country school is not just about education. It builds pride in the community.

Mark Dewalt

Higher education has lost its way, but we've all lost our way.

David Longanecker

Reconciliation comes through education and dialogue. This helps us dispel ignorance and allows us to appreciate one another's humanity.

Dawud Walid

It would make it much more difficult to provide an adequate free public education for our children.

Annemarie Spadafora

We want to focus on civil rights and education.

Bobby Poole

If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to a library.

Frank Zappa

We have never said this would be the cheapest, but who wants to give any of our students in the county the cheapest education? You want to give them the best education.

Tracey Anders

What a wonderful place this is, ... A wonderful place for our children in the community to expand their education.

Maurice Hinchey

We believe in education, and it's hard for me to conceive of a situation where you can have too much of that.

Robert Silberman

I think there's an assumption . . . the education stops when you leave the classroom.

Jeff Slayton

We want students to start to take control of their education.

Bruce Tonjes

They're going to be making $60,000 a year, a lot of them with no college education whatsoever.

Mike Randle

This has been a much requested thing. People want more information and more education.

Mark Carter

Mainly they'll talk about with them the importance of education Š the importance of the choices they make.

Chris Simpson

The money you inherit will come to you tax-free. Let that money be the money that funds education costs.

Marc Freedman

An investment in education is an investment in our future.

David Wasinger

Who wants to be the president that has to turn away students? The president is committed to access to education.

Tom Evelyn

They, the U.S. Department of Education, says they don't have a choice in this because the law doesn't give them any leeway.

Dwight Johnson

There's a focus in art education. Art is really part of the culture of Japan.

Jan Jensen

We have had a lot of the Drexel people come through here. It's sad that this has happened but it's also an opportunity for those who want to continue their education.

Shirley Brown

There is only one thing that can kill the Movies, and that is education.

Will Rogers

Education is the key in getting me out of where I was at.

Patricia Houston

Education remained a top priority for the country.

Frank Thompson

Education levels the playing field, allowing everyone to compete.

Joyce A. Myers

At the tea, each friend of education receives a certificate of appreciation from the student that chose them.

Linda Kyle

We're happy for all of them to get a college education and hopefully play some ball somewhere.

Grady Mccluskey