Quotes from some of the most popular famous Editors from throughout history can be found below. Please realize that we have thousands of authors in our database, and that this is only a selection of the most popular. To supplement this list with more quotes from famous Editors, it may be helpful to also use the search tool above. To browse other varieties of author, also be sure to look at the Quotes by Author section!

Adam MichnikAlice B. ToklasBen BradleeBill Keller
Bill WalshCharles WilliamsCharles WilliamsonClifton Daniel
Craig ClaiborneDaniel OkrentDenis DiderotDiana Vreeland
Edgar Watson HoweEdward BokEdward EgglestonEdward Marsh
George Dennison PrenticeGeorge Jean NathanHarold RossHelen Gurley Brown
Henry Anatole GrunwaldHenry R. LuceHerbert Bayard SwopeHoward Simons
Howell RainesIan HislopIrving KristolJack Kroll
James Gordon BennettJohn MetcalfJohn MetcalfeJoseph Lelyveld
Julius SchwartzKevin KellyLewis H. LaphamMargaret Anderson
Meg GreenfieldNorman CousinsPeter BartRich Lowry
Thomas GriffithTina BrownWalter MurchWilliam Allen White
William Shawn