William O. Douglas
FameRank: 5

"William Orville Douglas" served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States/Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Nominated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Douglas was confirmed at the age of 40, one of the youngest justices appointed to the court. His term, lasting 36 years and 209 days (1939–75), is the List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States by time in office/longest term in the history of the Supreme Court.

Douglas holds a number of records as a Supreme Court Justice, including the most Legal opinion/opinions. He was the List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States/79th person appointed and confirmed to the bench of that court. In 1975 Time (magazine)/Time magazine called Douglas "the most doctrinaire and committed Civil liberties/civil libertarian ever to sit on the court".

If you enjoy these quotes, be sure to check out other famous judges! More William O. Douglas on Wikipedia.

The way to combat noxious ideas is with other ideas. The way to combat falsehoods is with truth.

The great and invigorating influences in American life have been the unorthodox: the people who challenge an existing institution or way of life, or say and do things that make people think.