In fact, it's very important for children to be hungry so that they can learn to eat new foods. And they learn if they don't eat new foods, they're going to be hungry.

Children and adolescents tend to be influenced by their mothers. So perhaps we may see something similar start to happen in those groups.

And 100 calories is not a major caloric excess, ... It's a piece of bread; it's half an extra bowl of cereal; it's an extra cookie; it's a controllable amount of food.

Women have always been more responsible about health than the general population.

Parents should not assume the role of a short-order cook, ... That is, if a child chooses not to eat what's offered, it's not up to the parent to offer them something else.

If a child refused to eat, the instinct of most parents is to worry because they're concerned the child will be hungry.

In isolation, like I said, I'm not sure this is going to make a huge difference, but it is an important start.

If one compares the amount of money we have spent on the promotion of fruits and vegetable consumption to the amount of money we spent on more general food advertising, it's hardly a surprise we haven't changed the needle on fruit and vegetable consumption.