A textbook on psychosomatic gynecology published in 1957 stated that women had neither the interest in nor the capacity for orgasmic response!

We learn our sexual preferences and orientations.

We need a new home, and we want to make it a ?green? building, ... We want to walk the walk.

You don't have to do either-or anymore.

I thought he brought up great points about leading by stepping back.

We're born man, woman and sexual beings.

We are encouraging personal meetings and small group discussions between faculty and the textbook representatives at every opportunity.

We are delighted to have Matthew on board. We believe that he brings a great deal of energy and enthusiasm for the arts to this position, and we're looking forward to creating wonderful new programs to support the arts in our community.

Sure! Why should any experts be the arbiters... That's like telling someone they can't be a vegetarian.