The student regent is regarded with the same respect and authority as the other regents.
Groundbreaking patents like these take a long time to be reviewed. This was also during the height of the bio-tech era, so there was a lot of activity to review.
The possibility of a settlement with Arthur Andersen presented many complicated and interconnected issues that required the agreement of numerous parties. Despite our extensive efforts, in the end these simply could not be worked out. Without their resolution, any settlement would have worked to the detriment of the class.
The ruling confirms the pattern of judgments supporting the University's position and the original jury verdict that Microsoft infringed on our patented technology and should provide fair compensation for its use in their products.
[The new offer] simply reflects their recognition that they can only deliver on the first year's installment.
The application process took 24 years.
The determination here is, was he in the course and scope of his employment?
If he was in any aspect on the job, whether driving to the job, or running an errand or otherwise in the scope of his employment, then my position would be that he would be covered by worker's comp and as such would be entitled or his family would be entitled to the death benefit.
The regents have had a general policy of making investment decisions strictly on the basis of financial and market criteria. The regents could choose to make an exception to that policy.
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