"Tim Mooney" was an American drummer, producer, and sound engineer. He drummed in the The Sleepers (San Francisco band)/The Sleepers, Sun Kil Moon and American Music Club.

More Tim Mooney on Wikipedia.

She's going to have her chance at the intermediate hurdles the rest of the year. Early in the season, we're not too caught up in the individual stuff yet. At Penn, the individual stuff is big, but I think the relays are bigger.

Our goal is to get more efficiency into the dollars that are being spend on education.

I think there's some kind of fraud here.

Kids in China and India are getting a better education.

Given this and the fact that K–12 spending nationally is going up at four times the rate of inflation, we see no need and no benefit from cutting librarians and libraries in order to reach the 65 percent goal.

Every day and every dollar the education establishment uses to defeat this proposal is a day and a dollar they cannot spend on other political activities.

When you get four in from a conference, that's a heck of a conference. It says a lot about the kids.