If you pit this medication against your favorite all-you-can-eat buffet, the ... buffet is going to win nine out of 10 times. So it's important you try to modify eating habits.

It's definitely a very different drug.

The take-home message is very clear. When you just take the medication by itself you will lose weight, but you will lose less than half the weight of people who also change their eating habits and modify their behavior. It's putting the combination together that produces the best results.

Weight loss medications helped people lose weight, as did a program of lifestyle modification we designed to improve eating and exercise habits.

There's nothing worse than to be watching your calories and exercising, but the scale just doesn't budge, ... You just feel like, 'My efforts are for naught.' That's when people tend to give up.

We now realize that people may have to take weight-loss medications on a long-term basis, ... just like they have to take other medications such as those that control cholesterol or high blood pressure.

That's an extraordinary amount. People are lucky if they can lose 10 percent of their starting weight.