Some of the catastrophic deaths some people have predicted may not have occurred. The numbers, so far, are relatively minor as compared with the dire predictions of 10,000.

I think there's some encouragement in what we've found in the initial sweeps. Numbers so far are relatively minor as compared to the dire projections of 10,000.

The people arriving on this side of the building are expected to fend for themselves. We have some water.

Some of them, it was their last night on Earth. That's a hard way to learn a lesson.

This is a national emergency. This is a national disgrace.

They keep coming out of the woodwork. The human suffering I've seen here is greater than anything I've ever been exposed to.

It's a very slow rise, and it will remain so until we plug that breach. I think we can get it stabilized in a few hours.

There are gangs of armed men in the city moving around the city.