"Stuart Bailey" (born 1973) is a graphic designer and co-editor of Dot Dot Dot (magazine)/Dot Dot Dot with David Reinfurt (earlier together with Peter Bilak). He has lived and worked in Amsterdam and is now based in New York. [http://www.underconsideration.com/speakup/interviews/bailey.html]

According to online resource Typotheque [http://www.typotheque.com/site/index.php], Bailey was born in York, UK in 1973 and studied typography and graphic communication at the University of Reading. [http://www.typotheque.com/site/author.php?id=58] Bailey was one of the first participants to study at the Werkplaats Typografie (typographic workshop) in Arnhem, a postgraduate program headed by designer Karel Martens.

In a 2006 interview with Speak Up [http://www.underconsideration.com/speakup/], Bailey explained: "I suspect what I’m really against is what that term “graphic design” has come to represent, i.e. synonymous with business cards, logos, identities and advertising, and, again simply put, those are things I’m just not interested in. To me that idea of “graphic design” is as far removed from my interests as being a milkman or a lawyer. In fact, I’d rather be a milkman." [http://www.underconsideration.com/speakup/interviews/bailey.html]

More Stuart Bailey on Wikipedia.

We have the opportunity to climb Everest. We're at the base camp. We've got the best equipment. We've got the best guides -- people who have been there before. And the weather forecast looks great. The question is, can we actually do it?

Things are set up here to move really fast.

They ripped our gear out and sent us packing.

It's been a very calm winter so far. We haven't seen anything extraordinary.