Stephen Tanner
FameRank: 4

"Stephen Barrett Tanner" is an United States/American author currently residing in Sierra Madre, California. He served with US special forces in Italy in World War II and following his graduation from Yale University in the US Department of State (1949–1969).

As a military historian and freelance writer, Tanner has produced pieces such as: Afghanistan - A Military History from Alexander the Great to the War Against the Taliban; Epic Retreats: From 1776 to the Evacuation of Saigon; Refuge from the Reich: American Airmen and Switzerland during WWII; and Wars of the Bushes.He has also produced two humor books.

Tanner is the son of Dr William Tanner and is married to Anne (Nancy) daughter of art historian Professor Emerson Howland Swift. Tanner has two children.

More Stephen Tanner on Wikipedia.

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