"Roger Garlock Barker" was a social scientist, a founder of environmental psychology and a leading figure in the field for decades, perhaps best known for his development of the concept of behavior settings and staffing theory.

Barker earned his PhD from Stanford University and spent two years studying with Kurt Lewin. In the 1940s Barker and his associate Herbert Wright from the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas/Lawrence set up the Midwest Psychological Field Station in the nearby town of Oskaloosa, Kansas, a town of fewer than 2000 people. Barker's team gathered empirical data in Oskaloosa from 1947 through 1972, consistently disguising the town as 'Midwest, Kansas' for publications like "One Boy's Day" (1952) and "Midwest and Its Children" (1955). Based on this data, Barker first developed the concept of the behavior setting to help explain the interplay between the individual and the immediate environment.

More Roger Barker on Wikipedia.

It gives us better presence in a territory we really want to focus on, from Talladega all the way to the Georgia state line.

I know you won't go into details about his situation, but what are the changes we're going to see in the fire department? I know that the new chief will be paid more and that's all.