The internalization of order flow is essentially a kind of bulge-bracket dark book that allows order matching to occur at the NBBO.

He had too much to live for to honestly want to kill.

The best evidence in this entire case of credibility of a witness.

I'm sure all jurors have tremendous hardships that would greatly be alleviated with the largess of this court and by any type of compensation.

(D)id you tell Larry Fiato that ... that you went to Rockingham because O.J. was a suspect, the husband is always a suspect, on the 18th floor of the balcony while smoking a cigarette in February of this year?

This is unethical conduct at it's highest and we will pursue all avenues.

Even though the name Monsanto isn't new, the concept of a life sciences industry is, ... We hope to capture the essence of our role in this emerging industry in our new positioning.

If you look at the earnings prospects for the combined company, those prospects continue to grow, even in the short term.

This combination could create a company that could operate even more successfully in this exciting era than either of us could separately, taking full advantage of the opportunities ahead of us...,