I want to thank the individual who brought this forward because I learned something, and we all learned something.

I knew it was a lie. The 12 jurors knew that. Everyone knew I was innocent. My friends, no one ever changed or wavered in any way shape or form.

The youth in this city are sick and tired of the police harassing us, killing us.

I just felt six months wasn't enough time, ... He's improving. He wasn't 100 percent, but I don't want to cut him loose.

Brendan has been a mentor to me, ... He went out on the track and showed me the line. He told me to get out there and run my pace, and I will gradually build up my confidence. In the test session, I was only two-tenths of a second off of him, so I'll take that as a confidence booster.

I never wavered. I always believed that I was innocent because I knew I was innocent.

By Richardson, Conley said in his statement. ''The jury interpreted the evidence differently.