Rob Warden
FameRank: 4

"Rob Warden" was the executive director of the Northwestern University School of Law#Center on Wrongful Convictions/Center on Wrongful Convictions, Northwestern University School of Law#Bluhm Legal Clinic/Bluhm Legal Clinic, Northwestern University School of Law. He retired in 2014 and is now Executive Director, Emeritus. An award winning legal affairs journalist, he is the co-author with David Protess of A Promise of Justice on the pardons of the Ford Heights Four, and Gone in the Night on the reversal of David Dowaliby's conviction. He provides a legal analysis in the 2005 Northwestern edition reprinting of The Dead Alive, a 19th-century novel by Wilkie Collins based on the 1819 wrongful murder conviction of the Boorn Brothers. A recipient of numerous journalism awards, he was inducted into the Chicago Journalism Hall of Fame in 2004. Warden founded the monthly journal Chicago Lawyer in 1978, serving as editor and publisher until 1989. Before that, he was an award-winning journalist on the Chicago Daily News.

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He was very sincere about this.

It's spreading nationally. That, I think, is George Ryan's legacy. This is where it started and that's his contribution.

In capital murder cases, snitches are the No. 1 factor, being present in 45 percent of wrongful convictions identified since 1976. When I define snitch, by the way, I don't mean just anybody who's in jail, but anybody who has an incentive to testify a certain way.