The point to be made is that there's something bigger than money. That can really help in keeping employees from feeling as though they have some mundane, day in and day out job.

A coach sees things very differently than the players. It's important to use that different perspective to educate and encourage. But it's also important, like a good coach, to lead your team by example. For instance, while you should point out mistakes by your employees, be sure to admit when you yourself make a mistake.

You need to create an environment of integrity, trust and respect to make absolutely certain that everyone is treated fairly, regardless of the differences they may have. It's essential to be inclusive, because that keeps everyone on the same page when it comes to the business's long-term goals.

People can definitely develop good leadership capabilities. To a certain degree, we all have innate traits that make us good bosses. All you really have to do is work to develop those traits to their utmost.