"Richard Evan Schwartz" is an United States/American mathematician notable for his contributions to geometric group theory and to an area of mathematics known as Outer billiard/billiards.{{cite news

/title= Journal articles by Richard Evan Schwartz

/publisher= SpringerLink

/quote= Elementary Surprises in Projective Geometry -- Discrete monodromy, pentagrams, and the method of condensation -- The quasi-isometry classification of rank one lattices -- Degenerating the complex hyperbolic ideal triangle groups -- Quasi-isometric rigidity and diophantine approximation -- A Conformal Averaging Process on the Circle -- Desargues Theorem, Dynamics, and Hyperplane Arrangements -- The Density of Shapes in Three-Dimensional Barycentric Subdivision -- Real hyperbolic on the outside, complex hyperbolic on the inside -- Symmetric patterns of geodesics and automorphisms of surface groups

/date= 1996–2010

/url= http://www.springerlink.com/content/c5563w587u548418/

/accessdate= 2011-06-27

More Richard Schwartz on Wikipedia.

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