Breathe in Jim's last time.

It turns one back to really probably the most important tradition in sculpture, which is commemorating people and providing monuments of one kind or another to their lives and celebrating their return to the other world.

He basically got his MBA through his work with Thomas.

Numbers have been an issue for a number of years. We have very large enrollments in boys' soccer and boys' cross country. And there are only 12 to 14 players in our top level of Pop Warner (youth football). There are not a lot of football players in our community.

We had only been working with (Freedman Cohen) as the redeveloper. It validates what we've been doing with them for the past five months.

These young men and ladies here are my heroes. We welcome them here always.

This may be a misunderstanding of some sort.

The stock market's strong and capital is readily available, and that's obviously driving activity.