Shouting about how he did not want his future children to be eating sushi and fancy French food - he wanted proper American food and he wanted a wife who could do her own cooking.

I still feel like I've crashed the party.

I remember just lying in the grass, staring at the clouds, wondering where they drifted off to after they floated over Texas. I never would have imagined that one day I would follow one of those clouds and find myself in Hollywood.

I believe in love, but I don't sit around waiting for it. I buy houses.

Deep down, I'm a Texas girl looking for that big romance every girl dreams about. Biologically, I look forward to being a cornerstone of a family. I'll be in my glory when I have a child on my knee.

It was a sad day when I had to retire the C-cup bra to the underwear drawer.

Hope to experience this transition as privately as possible.

Once you've reached the point where you can pay rent, you can go to the vet and you can go to the grocery store, after that point it's all the same. I don't have the appetite for a decadent lifestyle.

For me it's a very powerful, very moving love story. They were so deeply in love and they went through so much together and she never gave up hope and he never gave up fighting, quite literally, for his family.