It's very difficult. You're following different groups of students. It's not a growth model, and it's hard sometimes to get a handle on just how well they'll do.

This reminded me why I got into education. I had an absolute ball rolling around with the first- and second-graders. It got me back to what we're all about – educating.

I don't think they can do as well if they haven't had algebra I and II and geometry, and are avid readers. Our counselors make sure these kids know they have to have the proper courses to take the test, but we do not discourage them from taking the test if they haven't had those classes yet.

We're going to be squeezing in just like you do at Thanksgiving dinner.

We're pleased to join in partnership with our sister institutions to help the state rebuild its infrastructure.

It's been tough. But we just try to keep our head up and improve.

I have a junior varsity team playing varsity basketball.

We have a far greater number of historic houses than 20th century houses.

We haven?t hit any stumbling blocks at all. We are hopeful the town will support us. We think we?re doing a good thing for the town.