The governor hasn't ruled anything out, but I would characterize that as a distant option.

Agency directors were asked to help the governor promote All Kids where they can.

Because Patti is a private businesswoman, we won't dissect the deals and the business that she does.

We don't see this as (an expansion of gambling) because it's something that the lottery can already do. It's comparable to a new convenience store going up that sells lottery tickets. That wouldn't be an expansion of gambling.

Patti was able to work much more this year than she has in recent years, ... For one, she wasn't pregnant and she didn't have a newborn at home.

We think the right way to provide relief is through tapping the strategic petroleum reserves.

This is a game of chance that is considered a lottery game. The lottery has specific abilities and they wouldn't have the ability to do video poker for instance.

The organizations listed on our news release verbally gave us their support and indicated they'd be sending in letters.