Life As We Do Not Know It: The NASA Search for (and Synthesis of) Alien Life.

The PAN party higher-ups, the senior officials and elected officials, don't trust him very much. They don't see him as ideologically reliable to the core values of the PAN. He's seen as a maverick. But clearly, if he gets stuck or tied up in those conflicts, that would impact on his ability to govern.

Fox is ... untainted and he can make a clean break with the past and start over. Certainly in areas of corruption and government performance, I think you're going to see a different style, and new opportunities to lay down new practices.

Guests who stay at the Hilton are paying premium dollars for a safe, secure, well-run hotel, and they deserve to have that. I don't know what's worse, all the Hilton violations or the way they keep covering them up.

He is the new broom, and he can sweep clean.

Gorgon: The Monsters That Ruled the Planet Before Dinosaurs and How They Died in the Greatest Catastrophe in the Earth's History.

It doesn't surprise me -- gold is facing some big problems.

Changes in oxygen may have been a huge driver for mammalian evolution. Nature is so damned complicated.

They constantly violate our contract, so we're not going to allow them to be part of any multi-employer negotiations.