He could not live without adversaries, no more than a tree can live without soil; like mangrove trees, which make their own soil, he could create enemies from within himself.

The silence of the grave gagged the living; people who had talked with his incarnate approval became sepulchrally mute.

We don't want our land privatized.

It's like running into a burning building and trying to buy fire insurance.

[He had] an accent that carried the longing cadence of the exile.

As soon as they start predicting a storm, people call and it seems that these storms are coming one after the other.

At the time the volatility of your innate short temper was exacerbated by the aftermath of your abuse of illicit drugs.

It would indicate complete indifference to the laws relating to speed.

In circumstances where your love and care was called for, you responded with lethal force.