We're getting a million hits a day on our site.

Everyone has been very willing to help these people, ... Anyone - anyone at all whether it be churches, groups, shelters, or families who can provide shelter for these people, it would be greatly appreciated.

The most important skill in staying calm is not to lose sleep over small issues. The second most important skill is to be able to view all issues as small issues.

We have a huge target on our backs this year. It's fun to look at rankings, but you still have to go out and play.

He was a poor coach when it came to looking after a group of people.

Leave it to others to be perfect, to be wonderful. Be content with what you are.

No real batting talent came through and I don't think he looked hard enough within his own squad or within the state for the players that could have improved.

His opinion seemed to form pretty quickly that this group is not responding so we'll have to look elsewhere, so they searched for interstate players and by and large they failed.

Declare today a holiday -- imagine every day is a holiday. Do one little thing that stimulates this holiday mood each day, then watch your worries fade away.