It makes it less demanding, and people don't want their hobbies that demanding.

It would be better to just decrease the speed.

Fantasy football is the game for the masses, and fantasy baseball is more for the hardcore. More people play fantasy football, but a much bigger percentage of people [who play] are consumed by fantasy baseball.

You don't want those short, choppy steps.

Because the belt is moving, that's doing part of the work for you; in addition, there is no wind resistance.

There were some manufacturing problems with the stickers. The mirror hangers are made with heavy gauge plastic unlike previous ones that would fall off due to the heat.

Everyone makes mistakes. I train other runners, and even I make mistakes on the treadmill.

There is something about looking at the actual sky with your own eyes. It just sort of reminds me of growing up and looking at the stars with small telescopes.

You want to mimic what you would do when you are outside.

I have never seen anyone who doesn't hang on. It's so tempting. Even I have trouble not grabbing on when I get tired.