Mort Walker
FameRank: 5

"Addison Morton Walker", popularly known as "Mort Walker", is an United States/American comic artist best known for creating the newspaper comic strips Beetle Bailey in 1950 and Hi and Lois in 1954. He has signed "Addison" to some of his strips.

More Mort Walker on Wikipedia.

I was banned from Stars and Stripes because I was detrimental to discipline. That got me news stories and got me published all over the world and boosted my circulation like nothing (else).

He was Charlie Brown.

Seven days without laughter makes one weak.

He brought a whole new attitude toward the comics, ... He brought pathos and the attitudes you know that all real children have of rejection and failure ... and he somehow made them funny.

He did something entirely different from what all the rest of us did. I write and draw funny pictures and slapstick; it's a joke a day. He delved into the psyche of children and the fears and the rejections that we all felt as children.

My wife would sometimes say, 'Why don't you give up,' ... But I'm not a giving-up kind of person. Once you start something like this, you can't just walk away.

You think back through history, and 40 was an old age at one time. You didn't live past 40. Sixty — forget it. Here I am at 80, and I feel alert and energetic. Why would I retire?

Cartoonists gave away their work, and syndicates and newspapers with archives didn't know what to do with them, so they just backed up their trucks and gave us 10,000 at a time.

A wonderful way of studying history.