I don't think there are many who wouldn't know Tony, or wouldn't have something good to say about him.

He's been committed to elevating the level of defense practice. His leadership has resulted in lawyers doing a better job, knowing what to do and what not to do.

The real value of these (summits) is to reinvigorate and hold their feet to the fire. People are accentuating the positive, but there are some serious differences that exist. We have to start doing what's best for the lake.

I thought our triple bottom line was science, technology and community support. It seems the (triple bottom line) concept has gone to a purely economic framework.

(We) are very concerned that if something is not done our eagles will be gone.

We owe these men and women something above and beyond ordinary people.

People who have a lot of money think nothing of paying the fine; it's no detriment to them at all. They include it in the cost of doing business. Catch me if you can is the mantra.

We have hired an attorney to look into our legal position and will follow through on what our options are. We don't hire an attorney very often, so this is serious.

(His true personality) struck me in the first moments. He had that academic air.