Even though you can improve the technology and the building techniques, you're still going to have more people in harm's way.

The trajectory of response has been getting much bigger.

All the past (major U.S.) disasters, they have hit suburban areas, not the central urban areas of major cities.

We often need events like this to change the mindset. And it's very hard to stop private investors and entrepreneurs from seeking opportunity. It's an amazing part of the American spirit.

This hurricane will change everything there, and there is no way of knowing how it will look afterward.

Will the new population demand that the cultural feel of the French Quarter, the Garden District and the rest stay the same? ... Or will they be OK with a lot of new shopping malls taking over? Who knows?

Louisiana has never been known for having its act together ... but here? We have a damn good state Office of Emergency Services program and great local emergency offices, and I would trust them.

That's a tough issue. It is a real concern for those of us in the research community. On the other hand, you have the reality of people in need.

[A new federal agency dealing with housing assistance] will get in the way and slow it down, ... Disaster Hits Home: New Policy for Urban Housing Recovery.