Last-mile services to customers must be integrated, providing both voice and data, because the backbone is integrated, ... Modems and ISDN are too slow, and cable and wireless aren't there yet. DSL is the only complete solution for the last mile.

In the 1990s, Russian stocks traded at low valuations because everyone was worried about being robbed by the oligarchs. Now everyone is worried about being robbed by the government.

Berti Vogts is gone and David Taylor and all the old fuddy-duddies on the SFA committee should be next to go.

Internally, we have got a strategy for all of our products of how we deliver value to customers via the cloud. Stage two is how we monetise that value. If we are number one on delivering that value and delivering customer satisfaction, that is a good definition of winning.

I stand 100 per cent by those [reports]. Show me a better way to work and I'll do it. The way the analyst community works is, you have to pay them.

We're excited to see the OSDL join Microsoft in working to deliver insights and facts we know customers need to help inform their IT decisions.

We made a strategic decision to redefine our investment banking business in the autumn, because continuing to invest in parts of the business no longer made commercial sense for us.

Microsoft continues to be open to working with partners and competitors, alike, to jointly commission research that helps all our customers engage in an informed and respectful debate on the facts.

We are not anti-open source.