This script is a real thriller that pulled me in right from the beginning. The 'what if' premise delivers on the edge of your seat anticipation, and is a perfect fit for the channel. Joe Miller's journey, fueled by a father's desperate search for his missing daughter, is compelling storytelling that will truly engage the audience.

There's the food, the drama, and the music. And there's a major sexiness to New Orleans.

Every year we keep thinking this is the last year. The sixth year we were sure was the end, then the seventh and eighth, so now we have all basically given up trying to guess.

It never occurred to us that something like this could happen. We're just glad she was so brave, and so smart.

We are looking forward to joining forces with Stan and Bruce to search the universe for these fearless competitors. At some point in their lives, everyone has wanted to break out and be heroic, and now is the chance for a chosen few to shed their every-day identities and truly express their inner superhero.

It is an amazing accomplishment. And the really exciting thing is that the show feels as interesting and funny and energetic as it did in the first season.

This project has universal appeal. Who hasn't wondered what our daily lives might be like if certain moments in history had gone a different way. 'What If' will take an exciting, thought-provoking approach to imagining such possibilities.