We are going to defeat you in the budget process and debate process until you cry uncle.

On such an important security matter, it's simply not enough for the administration to ask us to trust them. Everyone I speak to raises it.

Springfield's attempt to eliminate our base totally failed.

This is an oversight committee. If the Enron people come in here and say 'We don't want to talk about the past,' you think we'd let them get away with that?

[Souder applauded the GAO decision and crowed that he had helped block a] partisan attack ... Basically what we did was successfully stop a wasteful, partisan process that very well could have taken far more time and money than the actual event being investigated.

Before the U.S. government condones with federal funding research that results in the destruction of living human embryos, we have the moral obligation to explore and exhaust every ethical alternative.

This dangerous assurance overlooks the fact that condoms will not protect a user from contracting or spreading the sexual disease to others.

I don't believe the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy has gotten the message that a more comprehensive, coordinated effort is needed.