After 20 years of being the enemy, but respecting the enemy, it will be fun. The first time I walked into Channel 9 it was like after the Berlin wall fell.

Wherever I have gone in the last 18 years, people have always greeted me so warmly. They didn't always know exactly who I was, but they knew they knew me. They'd look at me and look at me and say, 'Oh, you're the sports guy.' I've always loved that.

I was informed in early January that they had eliminated my job. Financially, times are very tight (at the station). We've made some big investments in the Broncos, Oprah Winfrey and the Web site. The way it was explained to me was that the station budget would no longer support a morning sports guy.

The best strategy is to arrive at the very beginning so you have all day. There's only 360 minutes in the show.