"Mark Hollingsworth, Jr." was elected the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio on November 15, 2003, and consecrated on April 17, 2004 in Cleveland.

The son of Mark Hollingsworth, Snr and Caroline Jeanes Hollingsworth, he and his four sisters were raised in Dover, Massachusetts. He received a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Arts degree in 1976 from Trinity College hartford/Trinity College, majoring in Religious studies/Religious Studies, and earned a Master of Divinity degree at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in 1981. The Rt. Rev. William E. Swing, Bishop of California, ordained him Deacon and Priest in 1981 and 1982, respectively. He and his wife, Susan Hunt Hollingsworth, are the parents of Sophie, Isaac, Eli, and Lily.

More Mark Hollingsworth on Wikipedia.

We've tried to do as much as we can to make this a fun opportunity for people to celebrate the season and get to know the winery, ... We hope the Stomp makes it a little different.

We feel pretty good to have been able to get a good harvest last year, the second year of the vines.

We've got six dogs, and we rotate them in and out of the fenced-in vineyards, ... I think a lot of the animals don't come because the dogs are here.

We give each contestant 10 pounds of our own White Fences grapes and 40 seconds to stomp, ... The key is the swisher, who uses a little tool to keep the grapes underfoot.