Leonard Wood
FameRank: 6

"Leonard Wood" was the Chief of Staff of the United States Army, Military Governor of Cuba, and Governor General of the Philippines. Early in his military career, he received the Medal of Honor. Wood also holds Service number (United States Army)/officer service #2 in the Regular Army (United States)/Regular Army (John Pershing holds officer service #1). He became a prominent Republican Party leader and a candidate for the 1920 presidential nomination. He served as civilian Governor General in the Philippines in the 1920s, where he fought with local leaders.

File:Leonard_Wood_and_his_wife,_Louise_A._Condit_Smith.png/thumb/right/Wood and his wife, about 1909

File:General Leonard Wood Rol BNF Gallica.jpg/thumb/Leonard Wood, 1919

More Leonard Wood on Wikipedia.

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