[If Vodafone winds up buying AT&T Wireless, the industry would still be left with six national carriers. That would not alleviate the brutal price competition that has plagued the industry.] The industry needs to go from six to five, ... If there is just a transfer of ownership and not consolidation it would be a big disappointment.

Korea was sort of overlooked before, ... but now it's worth investigating.

We are hoping all these issues will be resolved with Racing and Wagering.

There are concerns about rising competition and there is still more to come.

Competition continues to be intense in wireless. This is yet another example of that.

The subscriber number was extremely strong.

This is essentially Microsoft self-serving, ... The Microsoft names helps and it provides some much-needed cash for Nextel, but the price paid was somewhat below what it should have been.

They've already built up part of the project. And that has been done illegally, the courts have ruled. So now you should have to go back and look at - how do you do the environmental review in the light that there's been development that may have disturbed archaeological resources or disturbed wetlands.