We stacked the middle on defense after the third quarter when we noticed that they were running inside the tackles.

They changed their offensive strategy in the third quarter from an option team to more of a power up the middle team.

We will be assessing his fitness - we certainly need him on board.

Andy is nearly fit. He has played in all our games so far, so we will give him every opportunity to prove his fitness.

We always seem to have a great game with them.

The big thing is it's dangerous. There are not enough officials for three at each game and maybe not even two. You need three referee's to control a physical game between rivals. And if the fields are slippery that could be even more dangerous.

We have certainly been chatting about certain things, but everybody has a different way of doing things.

He's a thoroughbred who would get on any county team but he hasn't played in nearly six months.