And all your future lies beneath your hat.

One of my resolutions is to quit smoking. I've tried for the past two years, but this year I am going to stick with it.

I'd never seen it called before, and I haven't seen it called since.

While some no other cause for life can give ,but a dull habitude to live.

We had an awfully good ball club that was capable of beating anybody. They were that good.

Lord of myself, accountable to none, but to my conscience, and my God alone.

I'd never seen a call like it before, and I've never seen one like it since. At the moment of the call, the biggest thing I felt was disappointment, because we'd lost a very critical ball game that I knew meant a lot to the team, community and school.

Ah, dearer than my soul. Dearer than light, or life, or fame.