When I went in I thought, 'gosh, I've been a runner my whole life, certainly there probably won't be any issues with my heart.' That would have been the last issue I would have come up. But it came back a high score.

It's obvious those opposed to traditional marriage are trying to confuse voters.

But what it did was it drew more attention to my own personal health habits.

At the end of the day, it ended up that I did not need to have any further medical attention.

But on the other hand, we do not believe they should be specially targeted for discrimination, either. We have a problem with the approach that would target, specifically, certain people who have a certain behavior.

We do not believe that homosexual couples should be given special rights nor do we believe that they should be set aside for special discrimination.

I always knew that if there ever were an issue, it would be better to take care of it then as opposed to in an emergency setting.