[On the outside, Anderson remained unsurprised. A few months ago he had crossed paths with the teenager just down the street from the auditorium. He said Glenn Wilson had smiled back to reveal a gold tooth -- which to Anderson was a sign.] I told him, 'Come see me,' ... He said, 'Don't worry. I'm going the right way.'... He knew what I wanted to talk about; he didn't come see me.

I never saw a bad side in the guy, ... He played tennis for us. Played basketball, too. ... I know his parents aren't like that.

Oh, that's a new smell.

I hope that we get a couple hundred golfers to play that day. We also want to offer a place where people can stop by and write a check to the relief fund, even if they're not going to play.

I think we need to know who we were to be able to know who we are.

Maybe I've built up an immunity to it, ... I don't know.

[In cop talk, the murders were all] unrelated. ... Going the right way? Or going the wrong way?

Wait, he's coming to the window, ... He's wagging his tail.

If he gets out, at least he has a chance.