Jeffrey Bewkes
FameRank: 3

"Jeffrey Lawrence Bewkes" is an American media mogul. He has served as Chief executive officer/CEO of Time Warner since January 1, 2008 and as President since December 2005. On January 1, 2009 he became Chairman/Chairman of the Board in addition to his other duties.

More Jeffrey Bewkes on Wikipedia.

If you put all these networks on-demand, it will be very powerful. And people will find them.

I think (if) the cable companies show up with continuing robustness (they) will get revalued.

We think it's a general malaise about the (media) sector.

We could decide that we wanted to own less of cable as an industry -- it doesn't look like that is a decision that is made over the next year. It's a question that we will consider.

We're trying to absorb any good ideas that anyone (has).

The basic approach to piracy that we have is to compete with it by offering legitimate products in the right time period at the right price.