It's easy for me to have a relationship with God. I know I can trust him ... to be there, to do the right thing, to love me. And, it's easy for me to have a relationship with me. I know I can trust me — not to be perfect, but to keep growing in that direction. And when I find somebody else I can trust, I have a strong foundation for a loving relationship.

Watching the sun rise over the ocean is making it easy for me to wake up and get out of bed. I'm not jumping up to take a shower or go to work. I'm jumping up to greet the majesty of the day, of God, of me. The majesty reminds me that God's in his heaven ... and so am I. And, heaven is a lovely place to start the day, a lovely place to live.

It is not only my right and my privilege to walk in the abundance God has for me, it is my responsibility...just as it is my responsibility to live the rest of my truth.

I am here again, in a familiar place feeling something I've felt before, wondering why it's still here, why I didn't deal with it more fully before. But I'm glad I have a second chance at it ... and I know that if I need a third chance, I'll get it. I also know that if it comes up again, I'll recognize it sooner and deal with it more readily. This is growth. And, I am happy to be alive.

I am sometimes disappointed, but I love my life ... and I must believe that the disappointments contribute something to what I love.

Walking away from something means believing for something more. And if I want something more, I must believe it's out there (or in here). Would God give me a desire that he could not fill? Or am I to suppose another source?