"Jackson T. Katz" is an American educator, filmmaker, and author. He is a creator of a gender violence prevention and education program entitled Mentors in Violence Prevention, which has been actively marketed to the U.S. military and various sporting organizations.

Katz's work centers on violence, media (communication)/media, and Masculinity/masculinities, with an added focus on media literacy. He has made several documentary/documentaries on the representation of women and men in media.

More Jackson Katz on Wikipedia.

Social change is a messy process. We need more men with the guts to stand up and say abusive behavior is abusive behavior, and it's not right, and it doesn't make me less of a man to point that out.

Visually, they are ratcheting up what it takes to be menacing. Would young guys today be intimidated by Bogey with his little .38? I doubt it.

The whole thing is so predictable. This is a form of sexism that is so mainstream that people don't even blink their eyes when they learn the Duke lacrosse team hired a stripper. In a perfect world, that would not be sexist. But this is a world where one in four college women are sexually assaulted and women can't walk on campus at night because of the threat of violence from men.

He's motioning to the audience as if asking them, 'Should I do it?' And they're cheering him on.

That puts intense pressure on the victim to withdraw from the case. For a lot of victims, this is not worth it.