They were having some difficulty getting this deal done because the company is very highly leveraged. It's a very risky deal, and if it weren't for the superstar management team, no one would pay attention to it.

This always happens when the market gets flooded. I'm afraid a lot of these deals are getting lost in the shuffle and this is what is happening with Western.

I'm expecting a modest first day ... gain of 5 to 15 percent.

We are not used to looking at a company this good.

Here comes a player that's got some substance behind them and it's not a giant deal.

This is a highly competitive area -- it's a commodity business. The industry is very quickly getting over capacity.

This is the early salvo of the next generation of utility firms. It's a pretty big deal but should still have a pretty solid debut.

They are a closet Internet company, much like Fed Ex.

I would like to think they can get in the 20 percent range, but with that number of shares it could be difficult.