At one time, most people didn't live long enough to enjoy their retirement. Now, people are living longer and they need to keep engaged and be contributing.

There are probably more (now) than there were 100 years ago. It's kind of neat that they've come back. (Decades ago) they were very, very rare -- anywhere.

Having had the opportunity to work with Robin over many years, I am confident that she possesses the dedication and experience to successfully carry out the mission of the Vail Jazz Foundation.

Getting older is something you make a decision about. You can get old without becoming an older person (in your outlook).

There is no precedent for an extended life span of 25 or more years, and a lot of people feel lost. A good retirement planner can change that.

We need to do something about how these live markets are treating species.

We really need to take a hard look at turtle sales in this country and see what is being exported and what pressure that is putting on the populations.