We are concerned that the virus may still circulate after this campaign.

Definitely the whole international community is very much present.

[The virus in the dead woman] seems like a virus that has gone directly from birds, ... reassuring for all of us.

It doesn't mean mutation.

It's not what we call extensive human-to-human transmission ... It doesn't mean mutation.

It's not very much, it's rather puny. They definitely need some more.

What we know is that from one clear case in Thailand and probably in other cases there has been close family contact and this is why it could have gone from one person to another.

We need to prepare - every country - for an eventual massive influenza epidemic that puts perhaps up to 30 percent of the workforce in bed.

The problem with this country, as in many Asian countries is that a large portion of the chickens are raised by farmers in their backyard and even within the cities, people are raising chickens and this is very difficult to control.