Just those words, 'Monday Night Football,' and America knows what you're talking about.

We are flattered that a star of Tim McGraw's magnitude wants to dedicate one of his songs to halftime 'Monday Night Football,' ... We are thrilled to be working with him.

Maybe we have to remind people there is another season of 'Monday Night Football' on ABC.

[For East Coast viewers needing enticements to stay tuned, there'll be a] Guess Who's Coming to Monday Night? ... major, major sports figure coming off a big weekend. ... In today's day and age, you have to stay current or you're not relevant.

We are flattered that a star of Tim McGraw's magnitude wants to dedicate one of his songs to halftime of 'Monday Night Football,' .

I've never looked forward to a season starting like I am this one.

I've never looked forward to a season as much as this one. We're going to be hoping it never ends, but sadly it will. The great news is at the end of the season we have a Super Bowl.