"Fay Weldon" Order of the British Empire/CBE FRSL is an English author, essayist and playwright, whose work has been associated with feminism. In her fiction, Weldon typically portrays contemporary women who find themselves trapped in oppressive situations caused by the "patriarchy/patriarchal" structure of British society.

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No one could be more happy than a man who has never known affliction.

Men are irrelevant.

Reliable office staff come in the shape of mature married women working from 9.30 to 3.30 (inside school hours) during which they will do more than the 9-5ers.

There's no such thing as old age, there is only sorrow.

Young women especially have something invested in being nice people, and it's only when you have children that you realise you're not a nice person at all, but generally a selfish bully.

Only one thing registers on the subconscious mind: repetitive application - practice. What you practice is what you manifest.

We shelter children for a time; we live side by side with men; and that is all. We owe them nothing, and are owed nothing. I think we owe our friends more, especially our female friends.